A player gets one point if the washer lands on the board. If a washer is leaning over the edge of the cup, this is worth three points. Obviously, a player gets a maximum of five points if they manage to get the washer inside the cup.
Playing a one-hole washer board requires a rule of placement. You should place your boards on a distance of 21 feet. In addition, you will need to stand at the back of the board while pitching. This is important because you should measure the distance between the boards from the back of each board to the center of the opposite cup. Once measured, the distance can be secured by adding eye hooks and a rope to your boards. A player from each team should toss and the washer closest to the hole determines the first pitcher.
The player or team who scored last throws first once the game starts. Remember that only one player or team per round may score. A round is over when each player has tossed all four washers.
The winner is the first player or team to reach a total of exactly 21 points. The scoring system for this game is quite simple. Be sure to face the washer boards horizontally and not sideways. Here are some basic rules for playing three-hole washer board game:.
The middle hole is worth three points and the hole farthest from you is five points. We find that using diddle is the most entertaining way to determine who plays first. The rules are pretty much the same as for every washers game. Just follow the basic ones like alternating players, only one player scores per round and end the round when each of the players has pitched all four washers. It seems like the game is most fun when you include point cancelation.
For instance, if player 1 gets three points and player 2 gets five, then player 2 earns two points for that round. So you should certainly consider keeping this rule. Again, the winner is the first player or team to reach These bags catch the washers when they fall in.
Having five holes on the board really take this game to a whole different level. Basically, the board consists of four holes close to each corner of the board with one hole in the middle. Whoever comes closest to the middle hole earns 2 points. Washer that lands on the board but is not closest to the middle hole is worth 1 point.
The objective of the game is to try to toss a washer into one of the 5 target holes. You need to continue playing until one player or team reaches 21 points exactly after all 6 washers have been tossed in one round. If a team or player goes over 21 points in any of the rounds, they get no points.
Only a player with 21 points wins the round. The game can be played by 2 players or 2 teams of up to 3 members. To determine which player or team starts first, each player or team tosses 3 washers.
The player or team that has scored the most points should start the round. If the first player or team reaches exactly 21 points in a round, the opposing player or team must be allowed to take their final turn. If a player or team goes over 21 points in a round, all the points earned for that round by that player or team are canceled. The opposing player or team wins that round and starts the next round.
In case of a ti e , an extra round is played and highest score in that round wins the game. Rounds are only completed when all 6 washers have been tossed. All washers must be tossed underhand. Each player must stand behind the toss line when tossing a washer.
Distraction or interference with opposing players will result in lost turn. Also, you can throw the washers overhand or underhand.
People of all ages and skill levels can play the game. The elderly can sit in their lawn chair and toss without even standing up. Some of the basic rules state that each player should toss six washers per round. There should be ten rounds to complete the game and the highest score wins. We don't recommend the wood surface for beginners as the washers will bounce on the wood and off the board unless you're an advance player. Dark Wood - The dark stained wood is a great look for your washers game.
The wood board will provide a challenging experience that is great for advanced players. Every board features a rope handle making your washers game easy to carry to the beach or tailgate. Boards are built with sturdy 2x4's and plywood for a very strong washers game board that will last for years.
The washers game boards can be stood on while you throw or some people prefer to stand to the side. Each board also comes with 6 washers and a washers holder drilled into the inside of the board.
Three of the six washers have a small hole drilled into it to distinguish between teams. There's also a rope that's 10 feet long connected to each washers game board set so you get the exact correct distance between boards every time. Order today to get the best washers game available! You'll enjoy years of playing the washers yard game with your friends and family!
Learn more about the rules on our Washers Game Rules page. Please allow 1 to 3 weeks for your order to arrive. The same goes for the plywood squares. The carpet may be tricky, depending on how it is sold at your store. I was lucky enough to have some leftover adhesive backed carpet tiles from a previous project. Those work great if you find them. The adhesive tube will be found near the caulk in the store.
All products featured are carefully reviewed and selected by our editors. As an Amazon Associate, we earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Edit Page Bad generic Bad formatting Bad editorial. In singles play, both contestants toss from the same target. Washers is an outdoor game of skill , played by two or more contestants.
The game field consists of two washer pits, each containing one recessed cup of 4 inches in diameter Game is played to 21 points. While tossing washer, your foot can not cross the front plane of the board. If either team reaches 20 points at the end of the round, team members in the next round will alternate turns throwing — Team 1 throws 1 washer, team 2 throws 1 washer. The washer should roll or spin off the index finger and maintain a trajectory that suits your pitching style.
Two wooden boards are spaced 10 feet apart. Each board measures about 4 feet long by 16 inches wide, is slightly elevated and has three holes from top to bottom. The object is to be the first to accumulate exactly 21 points. Points can be accumulated by making field goals two or three points or free throws one point.
If a player makes a field goal from within the three-point line, the player scores two points. If the player makes a field goal from beyond the three-point line, the player scores three points.
A pitch of a cornhole bag may be underhand or overhand. A player may not step on or over the foul line during a pitch of a cornhole bag. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. A washer toss set is a classic game for outdoor backyard fun. Turn the drain upside down and drill three 1-inch wood screws with washers through the existing holes to secure it to the base.
Repeat the process with the other box. How far are washers game apart? How do you make a 3 hole washer toss game? How to Play 3 Hole Washers. Each player throws their washers from the same side over to the opposite board facing longways. The player who throws first will throw all four washers, then the second player throws their washers.