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Reece, Berkeley, California Martha R. Dickey, Clemson University. If You're an Educator Download instructor resources Additional order info.
Evolution Connection modules present concrete examples of the evidence for evolution within each chapter, providing a coherent theme for the study of life. Scientifically accurate and up-to-date research to make sure that you and your students have the most current information.
New to This Edition. Go wild with a more student-friendly and up-to-date text: All units of this edition have been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate the most current content in biology—from using algae as biofuel, to habitat destruction as a threat to biodiversity.
More student-friendly, conversational language throughout the book engages students through the increased use of analogies and examples. New Big Ideas open each chapter and reframe the material with a small set of overarching concepts. Go wild with excitement for science and discovery: A greater emphasis is placed on the process of discovery through new Scientific Discovery modules.
These coaching activities, which can be assigned and automatically graded, include Building Vocabulary, Learning through Art, Connecting the Concepts, and Interpreting Data.
New Pre-built Evolution assignments in MasteringBiology make it easy to diagnose and remediate common student misconceptions. Table of Contents 1. Biology: Exploring Life I. The Chemical Basis of Life 3. The Molecules of Cells 4. A Tour of the Cell 5. The Working Cell 6. How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy 7. The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance 9. Patterns of Inheritance Molecular Biology of the Gene How Genes Are Controlled How Populations Evolve The Origin of Species Tracing Evolutionary History IV.
Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists The Evolution of Plant and Fungal Diversity The Evolution of Invertebrate Diversity The Evolution of Vertebrate Diversity V. Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function Nutrition and Digestion Gas Exchange Circulation The Immune System Control of Body Temperature and Water Balance Hormones and the Endocrine System Reproduction and Embryonic Development Nervous Systems The Senses How Animals Move VI.
Plant Structure, Growth, and Reproduction Plant Nutrition and Transport Behavioral Adaptations to the Environment Population Ecology Communities and Ecosystems Moreover, we connect the content of each chapter to the grand unifying theme of evolution, without which the study of life has no coherence.
This book remains the only non-majors biology text to connect every single chapter to evolution, with highlights featured in greentabbed Evolution Connection modules. More Engaging Narrative and a New Look With the goal of making the concepts of biology more accessible and increasing the overall friendliness of the book, every chapter in this edition makes greater use of analogies, intriguing facts, examples that relate topics to the student and the real world, engaging questions, and a more conversational tone.
The fresh new design used for the pages and the redesign of many figures make the book more accessible. For example, the new Module Along with new Scientific Discovery modules created for this edition, we have recast Talking About Science modules and some other material from the last edition in the Scientific Discovery format to help make research advances more vivid to students.
The improved introduction to the process of science in Chapter 1 will equip students to appreciate the many examples throughout the book of how scientific concepts emerge from observations and experimental evidence. For this edition, as always, we have integrated the results of the latest scientific research throughout the book.
We have done this with careful thought, recognizing that research advances can lead to new ways of looking at biological topics; such changes in perspective can necessitate organizational changes in our textbook to better reflect the current state of a field. Do you like this book? Please share with your friends, let's read it!! Search Ebook here:. Designed by readallbooks.