Black patch on toe

Foot melanoma usually appears on the sole or under a toenail but can appear anywhere on the foot or ankle. One set of guidelines, called CUBED , may help differentiate between benign and cancerous conditions.

If two of the above symptoms are present, a doctor will normally refer a person to a skin cancer specialist for further assessment. UV light is a major cause of skin cancer, whether from the sun or an artificial source, such as a tanning bed. UV rays damage the DNA in skin cells. This affects how they grow and divide. However, the role of UV light in the development of melanomas on unexposed areas, such as the sole of the foot, remains unclear. Melanoma on rarely exposed areas of the skin may result from genetic changes that are different from those in body areas that receive regular exposure to sunlight.

In individuals younger than 50 years of age , the risk of melanoma is higher among females. After this age, however, the risk becomes higher in males. If a person approaches a doctor with concerns about skin changes on the foot, the doctor will examine the area and ask the person about any family history of skin cancer.

If the doctor suspects melanoma, they will refer the individual to a dermatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in treating skin conditions and cancers. The dermatologist will use a dermatoscope to see spots on the skin more clearly, and they will perform a biopsy on the lesion if it appears suspicious.

In a biopsy, a healthcare professional will collect a skin sample and send it for examination under a microscope. The type of biopsy depends on the affected area and size of the lesion. Types include :. In some cases, a doctor may ask for further studies, such as surgical evaluation, to assess lymph node involvement. This can also help determine the spread of the cancer. In some cases, a melanoma lesion can form on the skin and then disappear.

However, the cells may travel through the body and cause cancer to develop elsewhere. A biopsy can help identify whether the cells are cancerous and which type of cancer, if any, is present. It can also measure the thickness of a tumor. If melanoma has not spread from its original site, it is a stage 1 cancer. By stage 4, it has spread to distant organs and systems.

Melanoma can also be stage 0, meaning that it shows signs of being cancerous but has not yet invaded through the skin. We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Black toenails can be unsightly and sometimes painful. While there are several potential causes of black toenails, many are easy to treat or may clear up on their own.

In this article, we look at six potential causes of a black toenail, in addition to treatment options and tips for prevention. It is important for a person who develops a black toenail to understand some of the potential causes.

When in doubt, it is a good idea to be examined by a medical professional who can diagnose the problem and develop an effective treatment plan.

When a person wears poorly-fitting shoes, they may be at risk of developing black toenails due to repetitive trauma.

Long-term pressure on the toes from poorly-fitting shoes can cause a range of problems, from small blisters to bloody blisters under the nail. In mild cases, the black toenail will grow out naturally over time without treatment. In severe cases, such as when the nail begins to detach from the nail bed, a person should seek medical treatment.

In some cases, the trauma may be a one-time blunt-force injury, for example, if a person drops a heavy object on their foot or toes. When this happens, blood vessels in the nail bed break, causing blood to pool there. The injured toe will start to hurt and pool blood beneath the skin almost immediately. The buildup of blood will cause the toe to feel painful and swollen. A doctor can treat this condition by draining the blood with a pinprick.

Fungal infections are another common problem that can cause black toenails to form. Typically, a fungal infection causes a white or yellowish discoloration.

However, debris can build up near the infection, causing the nail to appear black. Discount Code - Valid - Invalid Apply.

Auto Renew. Look at the picture. It shows black spots on toes. What do you think they mean? What is the reason for these black spots on toes?

When doctors see black spots on toes, they immediately think of causes with severe implications. But not all causes are dangerous or even sophisticated. Here is one way to think about black spots on toes:. Obviously, the worse cases scenario when seeing black spots on toes is lack of blood flow.

This can happen if the arteries in the toes are blocked by an embolism that traveled from somewhere else. Another option is that they were blocked locally. The term embolism means that something reached the toes from another location. The two most common sources are the heart and the aorta. An embolism from the heart might be clot or infection. This infection is called endocarditis. A clot from the aorta usually comes from plaque buildup called mural thrombus.

Mural thrombus may be in an aneurysm. By the way, black spots on toes of just one foot should make you think of a popliteal artery aneurysm , among other things. What are the treatments for black toenail? What is the outlook for a black toenail? How can you prevent black toenails? Read this next. How to Make a Vinegar Foot Soak. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.

Thick Toenails Onychomycosis. Medically reviewed by University of Illinois. Medically reviewed by Jenneh Rishe, RN. Why Are My Toenails Yellow? Medically reviewed by Elaine K. Luo, M. Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M. How to Identify and Treat a Subungual Hematoma Subungual hematoma is the medical term for bleeding and bruising under the nail.

Fungal Nail Infection. Nail Abnormalities.


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